Thank you Beyond Naked crew

Just a quick post to say two words to an incredible, all-volunteer crew: Thank You. We put the climax of six months of filming into your hands, and you came through, big time. It was a professional treat to work with every one of you, and the film that gets made will have your creative fingerprints all over it. It wasn’t an easy assignment: many of you were working with unfamiliar equipment, in rainy conditions, filming people at their most vulnerable, and making them look like the creative super stars they are. You’re our heros. –Dan and Lisa

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One Response to Thank you Beyond Naked crew

  1. Maddy DuMont says:

    Hi there!
    I was interviewed by your film crew at the parade (Princess Party Cloudy, not naked) and I later had a thought about the nature of this event that I wanted to share.

    The Solstice parade is exactly the parade one would create at age 5. No words, no motors, no real order, no reason or explanation for anything, floats on wagons, decorations in bike wheel spokes, stilts, puppets, costumes made from anything, music and dancing, bubbles, giant balls, hugs, candy… and most of all it’s pure joy without modesty or self-c0nsciousness. At age five most people would paint their naked bodies and bike through the streets grinning. It is this pure instinctual celebratory joy that makes the Solstice parade and bicyclists so wonderful.

    I look forward to seeing your film about this wonderful parade!


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